Thursday, December 3, 2015

My Favorite Covers


New York, February 17–24, Spring Fashion
"In a stunning cover for New York’s “Spring Fashion” issue, Erik Madigan Heck created a wall-to-wall effect with the red and white floral pattern on Lupita Nyong’o’s Stella McCartney dress and a coordinated background. Nyong’o is no wallflower, seeming to pop right out of this inventive and stylish cover."
     I really like this magazine cover because it catches one's eye and is unique. However, I think that the background hides the letters on the front. I think if the background wasn't so busy, then the words and her dress would be more visible. I would also change the layout of the cover because there isn't one thing to focus on, so it is hard to read. I think the picture taken of her is really good because of her expression and how she is standing, which portrays and communicates power, confidence, and elegance. One last thing I would change would be the amount of editing that was done on her because she almost looks kind of cartoon like.

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