Thursday, September 24, 2015

Academics / Community Service Photos

My favorite photo from this section was of the boy climbing a wall. He was almost to the top and everyone was watching him from below.

1.  I chose this photo because it is very focused on the climber and everyone else is a little blurry.
     This effect draws so much attention to the main subject. Also, his facial expressions show that he
     is putting so much effort into climbing to the top.

2.  In this photo, there are a few rules of photography evident. One of them is balance because he is  
     close to the camera and is on the very bottom of the frame, while all the people, are on the top of
     the frame far away from the camera. This picture also follows the rule of thirds because he is
     slightly off center horizontally and vertically.

My shoot:

1.  I think I will be taking pictures in the art rooms because the students are always making
     interesting sculptures, paintings, or drawings. I saw some of their sculptures of different things
     like animals and food, and they were amazing. I would love to photograph all the incredible
     creations, and all the students focusing and having fun in the class.

2.  I would like to photograph in Mr. Logan's sculpture classroom and/or Mrs. Abbott's art 1
     classroom. There are many areas in the garage to so I might try photograph all areas of the art

3.  To get amazing photos I will really have to look at the angles and lines of the classroom to make
     sure that the photo is interesting and has different dimensions. I also might have to lay on the floor
     or stand up on a chair to get the perfect view. I will need to remember the rules of photography to
     make sure that each picture is different and appealing to look at.

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