Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Abandoned Theme Parks

     The abandoned theme park that I would want to go take pictures at is Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan. I chose this one because there are still many rides visible, but they are all rusted. Being rundown and rusty would give an interesting rustic/antique look to the photos. Also, there is a lot of lush vegetation and fog that could add a beautiful effect to all of the images.


     Other unusual places that might be interesting for photographers to shoot at would be:
  • Plitvice Lakes National Park
  • The Crystal Mill
  • USA’s Largest Abandoned Subway is in Cincinnati
  • 102-Year-Old Floating Forest in Sydney, Australia
  • Pripyat, Ukraine

102-Year-Old Floating Forest in Sydney, Australia

     I chose this place because the scenery in beautiful, and a forrest growing on an abandoned ship is a neat concept. I would definitely take somewhat distant pictures to capture the surrounding water, trees, and the entire ship.

     To shoot these photos I would need to travel to Sydney Australia. To do this, I would need to buy a $1000 ticket, pack my bags, and take a 17 hour flight to Sydney. I am not sure about the rules of going out to the water to get closer pictures, but I would try to canoe or take some kind of boat to get out on the lake.

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