Thursday, November 12, 2015

American Soldier-Photos Make The Story


The most powerful image in this slideshow is the image of the boy sitting by himself at Army boot  camp. This image is powerful because his body language expresses sad, and depressed, which is how many people must feel when they are forced to go to boot camp.


Set 1 - at home  - Image #1 to Image #4
Set 2 - basic training - Image #5 to Image #8
Set 3 - in Iraq - Image #9 to Image #27
In Image #28 he is back at home in Denver


The most powerful set of pictures was the set about basic training. This was the most powerful because it showed the hard transition between home life, and life at Army boot camp.


The images work well to tell a story because they go in chronological order, show the most important stages of his life as a soldier, and show the emotional progression of his experience.

The captions of the pictures where Ian is the main subject, are all written in present tense.

The captions enhance the photographs because they explain exactly what is going on in the photo, and they help the reader know how Ian feels about this process of becoming a soldier.

G. Based on the captions:
     Ian Fisher was a teenager when he was recruited into the Army. He was very sad to leave but, he had something to loo forward to, his engagement. Throughout the years in the Army, he suffered may injuries but he wasn't going to let that discourage him from proposing to his girlfriend. Unfortunately, Ian and Kayla broke up, and he was put on many pain medications for his injuries. Although he was going through a difficult time, he still did his job as a soldier and later went to Iraq. When he arrived home, he was happy to reconnect with his friends, family, and his new girlfriend Devin. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Self Portrait and Portraits Part I


  • Experiment with Subject Expressions
  • Get Closer
  • Candids: Being Unobtrusive
Environmental Portraits:

Image result for environmental portrait

     I like the fact that there is one main subject in the foreground, and a clear shot of a beautiful ocean in the background.  I chose this picture because the environment that he is in tells a lot about him. He most likely spends most of his time out on the sea, and, knowing from his outfit, he is a fisherman. The environment clearly describes a big part of his life.

     I like this photo because the subject is in good focus, and stands out because of the color of his jersey. I also like how the photographer followed the rule of thirds. I chose this photo because the environment fits in with the theme of the subject, which is basketball, and balances the photograph. 

Photography Self Portrait:

     I like this picture because even though it is a self portrait, it almost looks like someone else took the photograph. I also like how the subject is in one third of the photo, and how the background is simple. I chose this picture because I like how the lady is laughing but not making eye contact with the camera, and the photo is taken up close.

Image result for photography self portrait

     I like this picture because it is simple and in focus. I chose this picture because he is the only thing that the viewer sees, and because his expression is very dramatic.

Casual Portrait:

Image result for casual portrait

     I like this photograph because the photography followed the rule of thirds, and because the subject stands out even though the background is busy. I chose this photo because it looks like it was taken spontaneously and because she is making a calm, but happy expression.

Image result for casual portrait

     I like this photo because she is in one third of the photograph, and because the background is beautiful but out of focus. I chose this photo because the subject is very obvious, and because she is making a subtle expression, making the photograph casual.

Portrait assignment:

   For my portrait assignment, I plan to take pictures of my friend's 14 year old sister, Emma.  I will take the pictures at a near by park that has lots of trees. To make the pictures better, I will take them in the early afternoon for the best lighting. I will also get closer to her as I take the picture so that they are focused and simple.

Love and Loss Warm-Up

     At first I felt happy as I saw him and his wife together, but at about the 4th picture, I started to feel sad because the pictures showed how her cancer was progressing. And at the end, I felt depressed because his wife had died.

     I think his comment "These photographs do not define us, but they are us.", is a great quote because in these pictures, the wife looked very sick and miserable. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are negative, or hopeless people. Its just a hard time in their lives and it shouldn't define who they are.

    I don't think I could shoot photos if I was in this situation because I would be too sad, and it would be too hard for me to take pictures of someone in such pain. 

     I would tell Angelo that I admire the fact that he took pictures of his wife even though he was going through a tough time. I would also tell him that he is a great photographer.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Rules of Photography Part II

Theme: Dogs

Rule of thirds

Balancing Elements


Leading Lines


Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)




Create depth


