Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Love and Loss Warm-Up

     At first I felt happy as I saw him and his wife together, but at about the 4th picture, I started to feel sad because the pictures showed how her cancer was progressing. And at the end, I felt depressed because his wife had died.

     I think his comment "These photographs do not define us, but they are us.", is a great quote because in these pictures, the wife looked very sick and miserable. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are negative, or hopeless people. Its just a hard time in their lives and it shouldn't define who they are.

    I don't think I could shoot photos if I was in this situation because I would be too sad, and it would be too hard for me to take pictures of someone in such pain. 

     I would tell Angelo that I admire the fact that he took pictures of his wife even though he was going through a tough time. I would also tell him that he is a great photographer.

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