Thursday, November 12, 2015

American Soldier-Photos Make The Story


The most powerful image in this slideshow is the image of the boy sitting by himself at Army boot  camp. This image is powerful because his body language expresses sad, and depressed, which is how many people must feel when they are forced to go to boot camp.


Set 1 - at home  - Image #1 to Image #4
Set 2 - basic training - Image #5 to Image #8
Set 3 - in Iraq - Image #9 to Image #27
In Image #28 he is back at home in Denver


The most powerful set of pictures was the set about basic training. This was the most powerful because it showed the hard transition between home life, and life at Army boot camp.


The images work well to tell a story because they go in chronological order, show the most important stages of his life as a soldier, and show the emotional progression of his experience.

The captions of the pictures where Ian is the main subject, are all written in present tense.

The captions enhance the photographs because they explain exactly what is going on in the photo, and they help the reader know how Ian feels about this process of becoming a soldier.

G. Based on the captions:
     Ian Fisher was a teenager when he was recruited into the Army. He was very sad to leave but, he had something to loo forward to, his engagement. Throughout the years in the Army, he suffered may injuries but he wasn't going to let that discourage him from proposing to his girlfriend. Unfortunately, Ian and Kayla broke up, and he was put on many pain medications for his injuries. Although he was going through a difficult time, he still did his job as a soldier and later went to Iraq. When he arrived home, he was happy to reconnect with his friends, family, and his new girlfriend Devin. 

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