Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Student of the Month Interview


1. Did winning this award surprise you?

2. Why do you think that you won?
3. How did your peers react to this news?
4. How did your family react to this news?
5. Did your peers treat you differently because you won this award?
6. In what ways will winning this award affect you?
7. Do you think that you deserve this award?
8. How are your grades?
9. In what ways did you exceed student expectations?
10. Do you think that you will be student of the month again?
11. Do you do any extracurricular activities? what are they?
12. Did this award make you determined to work harder in school?
13. How would you feel if you hadn't won this award?
14. Do your teachers treat you differently or expect more from you because you are student of the month?
15. Is your life any different by winning this award?
16. Did you think that someone else deserved it more than you?
17. How would you feel if you were student of the month again?
18. Has your opinion changed about this award since you won it?
19. Did you try to win this award?
20. How might your life be different if you hadn't won it?

School Uniforms

School Uniforms


- The students attending the school
- The teachers at the school
- The principal of the school 


1. How would this affect the students at the school?

2. What could be some negatives to this new policy?
3. What could be some positives to the new policy?
4. How would the staff react to this change?
5. How would the students react to this change?
6. Did this new policy shock anyone?
7. How would this policy be reinforced?
8. Is there anyone happy about this new policy? why?
9. Is there anyone against this new policy? why?
10. What would the uniforms look like?
11. What would the staff do if students did not wear their uniform?
12. Do you think that the students will follow this new policy?
13. Why might the students not follow this policy?
14. Why do you think this policy was enforced?
15. Did any of the staff know about the policy before the students?
16. Was this policy discussed among the teachers and the principal?
17. Do you think the teachers will be against this policy? why?
18. When will this new policy begin?
19. Do you think that the school will change the policy if many students are against it?
20. Would there be a day where students would not have to wear the uniform?

Architecture Shoot




Angles and Shapes


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

Part 1.


A. Alyssa schukar
B. The general focus is a story to portray the pain that this person went through while struggling with bulimia and                                             how it does get better if you stay strong and accept the support of the ones that love you.
C. All the pics were at a certain distance and not up close and personal.
Each picture is kind of similar.
There aren't enough strong singles.
D. The picture of the man sweeping the street in Haiti.
The shot of the girl falling over the hurdles.
E.I think the photographer had a couple of pictures that were good and had movement but there were some that I      did not like. I think that all of the pictures had the same feeling and weren’t taken at different points of view.

A. Josh birnbaum
B. The general focus was sports and how sports are dangerous and painful.
C. The pictures had nothing to them. (not strong)
The angles weren’t good.
Bad expressions on the people’s faces.
D. Good action.
The pictures of people in wheel chairs.
E. My overall impression was that there weren’t really any amazing, eye catching pictures that portrayed and important moment.

A. Carlos Delgado
B. The general focus was stories.
C. The backgrounds were too distracting.
Levels and Curves weren’t done correctly.
Pictures didn’t explain much about the story.
D. Good expressions on people’s faces.
Good content.
E. I think that the photographer did a great job of capturing the emotions of people. However, the pictures had a distracting background.


A. The color and composition was great,  the angles were good, the photos were interesting and had a lot going on in them.
B. I saw great angles and lots of interesting moments in each picture. The only weakness I saw was that some pictures were too photo shopped.

3A. The judges briefly looked through all the pictures in the portfolio again and decided if they could win or should be eliminated. Then out of the ones they liked, they decided on the winner.

Part 2.

1. In part 6,  I really liked the photo of the girl getting hit by a goose. The judges said that it was good stuff and I completely agree. The photo was very interesting and was captured perfectly to create the allusion that time was frozen.

2. In part 1, the judges said that the first photo wasn't dramatic enough but I disagree. It had movement and was intriguing.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Architecture Preview

La Pedrera, Spain

1. Antoni Gaudi and Josep Maria Jujol 
2. Between 1906 and 1912
3. Barcelona, Spain
4. You can visit it
5. No
6. It was created to be a combination of an apartment building and an office block.
7. I picked this building because the wavy lines of each story are fascinating and different. I love all the detail and the tall glass windows. The shape of the stone accents and statues are amazing and make this a unique and beautiful building.

Atomium, Belgium

1. Andre Waterkeyn
2. 1956-1958
3. Bruxelles, Belgium
4. You can visit
5. No
6. This structure was built for the Brussels World Fair and was never intended to be permanent.
7. I chose this because it is like no other building. It fascinating how the spaces for the guests are in the shape of small spheres connecting by small metal passage ways. I also love the fact that the spheres are so high up in the air.

Turning Torso, Sweden

Image result for Turning Torso, Sweden

1. Santiago Calatrava   
2. 2005
3. Malmo, Sweden
4. You can visit
5. No
6. This was built for commercial offices and rental apartments.
7. I picked this building because I think it is amazing how the architects planned the building to be twisting but still be structurally sound. Also, I think that it is really cool how the whole building turns and goes from narrow at the bottom to wider at the top. 

Sculptured House, USA

Image result for Sculptured House, USA

1. Charles Deaton
2. 1963
3. Jefferson county, Colorado, US
4. Private because it is a house
5. No
6. The architect wanted to build a house on a high point of land so he could "feel the great reaches of the Earth." 
7. I picked this building because the c shape that the roof and the balcony make is really clever and I like the idea of having a wall entirely made out of windows. I also love how the house is built so that you can get a clear view out the window or from the convenient balcony.  

Guggenheim Museum, Spain

1. Frank Gehry
2. 1997
3. Bilbao, Spain
4. You can visit
5. $89 million (US dollars)
6. The building was created to be a museum of modern art.
7. I chose this building because there are so many interesting and random components to the entire building. I also love the shapes, colors, and textures that make the museum a one of a kind structure.

Action Photography

Photo 1

Abby is running towards the camera wearing navy converse. She bought those shoes the previous day and was trying to wear them in.

Photo 2

Abby is sprinting through the courtyard Listening to music. She made a playlist of her favorite songs the previous week.

Photo 3

Abby is jogging passed the big tree at Bowie High School. She made it her goal to run for 30 minutes each day.

 Photo 4

Abby is looking off into the distance. She was thinking about all the homework she had to do when this was taken.

Warm-Up (Sensory Overload)

1. "I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.
To me, this statement is referring to the fact that are generation is becoming materialistic. Instead of focusing on nature's beauty, our society only cares about objects that in the long run won't matter. I agree with this statement because the world is in fact turning into a more materialistic society everyday. As an aspiring photographer, this makes me feel upset because I want to take photos that highlight the Earth's gorgeous features rather than focus on objects which take away from the impact that the photo should have.

2. Even though the photos were interesting, it did not make me want to take my camera and take pictures. I am more interested in taking photos that emphasize nature and not objects like toys. 

3. I think that it would be really interesting to be a child of someone who worked at one of these places because they could visit their parents and explore all the cool objects in the store.

4.  My favorite photo was the one of the flower store because I love all the vibrant colors and different types of flowers. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Action Photography Preview Assignment


1. This picture is part of a winning sports photography portfolio because it captures a ritual in a high enough shutter speed so that the water isn't blurry.

2.  I think that the shutter speed was 1/125.

3. This is a key moment because it demonstrates the ritual that the team has. Also, this moment could have been planned because the photographer might have needed to know what shutter speed he needed to possibly use.

4. The advanced techniques that are present in this photo are the good use of shutter speed, and a wide focus range to capture the faces of the subjects.

Outside Prompt Shoot

please DO submit