Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Student of the Month Interview


1. Did winning this award surprise you?

2. Why do you think that you won?
3. How did your peers react to this news?
4. How did your family react to this news?
5. Did your peers treat you differently because you won this award?
6. In what ways will winning this award affect you?
7. Do you think that you deserve this award?
8. How are your grades?
9. In what ways did you exceed student expectations?
10. Do you think that you will be student of the month again?
11. Do you do any extracurricular activities? what are they?
12. Did this award make you determined to work harder in school?
13. How would you feel if you hadn't won this award?
14. Do your teachers treat you differently or expect more from you because you are student of the month?
15. Is your life any different by winning this award?
16. Did you think that someone else deserved it more than you?
17. How would you feel if you were student of the month again?
18. Has your opinion changed about this award since you won it?
19. Did you try to win this award?
20. How might your life be different if you hadn't won it?

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