Thursday, April 14, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users

1. Editorial

2. The story is about the fact that Apple continues to deny the request of allowing the FBI to access a criminal's phone. They don't want to take a risk and potentially allow private, secure information be public.

3. "Here the risk isn't worth the potential consequences, which would be much worse for the country and all iPhone users."

4. Yes

5. No, because the author refers to his opinion to support Apple's decision throughout the entire article.

6. There aren't any quotes used in the article.

7. The author wrote in mostly in 3rd person but gave a few opinions in 2nd person when they used "we."

Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school

1. Granger Coats

2. Their story is about the flaws in school security and policy.

3. " An institution intended to enrich and better the lives of students should never detract from that role when punishing students especially with the assisted use of police as school disciplinarians."

4. No

5. They weren't wishy-washy with their opinion because they fully explained why they thought that and never changed their beliefs.

6. Yes

7. The author wrote in 3rd person in the beginning but in 1st person at the end when they stated their opinion.

Social media, back at it again 

1. Alicia Molina

2. Their story is about the famous series of snapchats called, "Damn Daniel."

3. "I think that it is great that people are using their fame for good and they are to keeping it all to themselves."

4. Yes

5. They were a little wishy-washy because at the beginning of the story, she talked about how much she didn't like this trend but then mentioned how she admired the people who created it.

6. Yes

7. The author write in 1st person.

Beyonce causes controversy

1. Fuaad Ajaz

2. Their story is about Beyonce's powerful music video and how unfair America is on the subject of race.

3. "She wants justice, and she wants everyone to have the same rights. Hopefully it all happens before she gets into formation again."

4. Yes

5. They weren't wishy-washy because they addressed their opinion on supporting Beyonce multiple times throughout the story.

6. Yes

7. The author wrote in 3rd person.

Is the AP world history test worth it?

1. Mia Barbosa

2. Their story is about the benefits of taking the AP world history test.

3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."

4. No

5. They weren't wishy-washy about their opinion because they mentioned that it was a great idea many times in the story.

6. No

7. They wrote in 1st person.

1. A hard news story doesn't discuss different opinions.
2. An opinions piece would have less quotes and more descriptions of people's feelings.
3. An opinions piece is more persuasive and a hard news story is based on facts.
 I think that there are few photos on this page because the writers do a great job of explaining things that happen and the stories aren't based on one time events, but on an ongoing topic.
1. Presidential candidates 
2. School policies
3. Syrian Refugees

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