Wednesday, April 20, 2016

SNO online papers

The R-Word

1. Jack Manderson and Charlie Turner
2. Their story is about how the word "retard" should never be used.
3. "The word’s use needs to be put to an end."
4. No
5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion.
6. Yes
7. The author wrote in 3rd person.

Kindness Matters

1. Caitlin Taylor
2. Their story is about how showing someone you care about them can save their lives.
3. "Listen carefully and always check on them from time to time. Your concern could save a life."
4. No
5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion.
6. No
7. The author wrote in 3rd person.

The Refugee Flood

1. Chelsea Conway
2. Their story is about the problems the U.S. might face if more refugees are allowed in this country.
3. "Closing the borders to refugees would allow America a chance to try and get a handle on the problems we have rather than invite new problems in."
4. Yes
5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion.
6. No
7. They wrote in 3rd person.

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