Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Student of the month story

Who - Carolynne Andres
What - She won the student of the month award
When - During the first week of April
Where - At Bowie High School
Why - Because she has great work ethic and friendly qualities
How - By carefully made decision of the staff and the teachers

During the first week of April, Sophomore Carolynne Andres, after a carefully made decision, won the Student of the Month award at Bowie High School.

The student of the month award is a highly respected award that Andres won through her impeccable dedication, amazing work ethic, and friendly qualities.

"I am not sure if I deserve this award, but I am happy and honored to have been chosen to win it," Andres told the interviewer.

This award is symbolized by students who exceed expectations and strive to do the best they can in every single situation.

"Andres always makes good grades and is very engaged and focused in class," 10th grade english teacher Whitney Shumate explained. "She has never failed to turn in all her assignments on time or demonstrate perseverance and hard work."

The principal, staff, and teachers elected Andres to win the Student of the Month award.

"We all feel like Ms. Andres has shown dedication and interest in everything she does and is worthy of this award," principal Stephen Kane said.

Not everyone can win the Student of the Month award, it requires specific personality traits and devotion.

"She spends most of her afternoons studying all the material she learned in class and works for non profit organizations in our community," Andres's mother, Karen Andres, said.

Andres loves being involved in different things at Bowie and keeps herself occupied with after school extracurricular activities.

"I am on the dance team and I also play steal drums for the Bowie band," Andres said.

Even though Andres has a very busy schedule, she manages to still have time for her hobbies.

"Carolynne and I love to walk our dogs and discuss books that we read on the weekends because it is the only time she takes a break from her school work," Andres's friend Bella said.

According to her school, Andres has earned this award, but because of her humble character, she disagrees.

"There is most likely someone who deserved it more than me," Andres responded.

Although Andres works very hard in school and dedicates her time towards helping others, she did not expect to win this very honorable award.

"I was shocked because I feel like I'm not worthy," Andres said.

Being in high school, Andres is looking for ways to help her get a higher education once she graduates.

"This award could help with my transcript for college," Andres responded to a question about her future.

Andres values this award and is now more determined to succeed in her education.

" I have always dreamed of winning this well-respected award and I can't believe that my dream
has become a reality," Andres answers. "I don't know if I will win again, but I will continue to push myself to do better in school."

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