Thursday, May 12, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. I will do my car raid with my friend Grace.
2. I will do my car raid during next week.
3. questions:
     - What are some things you like about your car?
     - What are some things you dislike about your car?
     - How long have you had this car?
     - What is one item that you always make sure have in your car?
4. The details that I would write down to advance the story would be what I find in her car, what the interior and exterior of the car looks like, and what she always keeps in her car.

Merger Photo

Friday, May 6, 2016

Merge Photo Intro

1. Problems that could occur might be that the shadows of the person could get cut off and the background could change spontaneously.

2. A great place to take this kind of picture would be by the portables and the woods.

3. Jumping in different positions could be interesting, or showing the progression of an action.

4. Wearing something that contrasts the background would be ideal.

HDR Image


1. My favorite photo is the one of the girl standing in front of a waterfall. Her face is in one third of the photo and the giant waterfall is about 20ft behind her.

2. These images do not seen like they were taken with an iPhone because they are so detailed, clear, and consist very specific colors.

3. I think that apps that the photographers used impacted the photo greatly because the lighting is perfect and everything is enhanced.

- finding the correct lighting
- try to find angles that represent the depth of the place/object I am shooting.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

HDR Photography Intro

HDR Photography

HDR Photography

1, You will need to take multiple photos of the same subject with different shutter speeds and aperture combinations.
2. Camera, tripod, HDR photo-blending software.
3. Someone might want to take an HDR image because it has a high dynamic range and can create a happy medium of a high contrast scene.
4. By merging the photos taken at different shutter speeds/aperture, the image can consist of the lightest light and the darkest dark of a scene.

Final Exam Planning Warm-up

1. I will be shooting this assignment mostly on the weekend of May 7th.
2. I will shoot in my house, in my backyard, in my neighborhood, and at the park.
3. I will be documenting a day in the life of my dog, Maya.
4. I will need to check out a camera.
5. I will take pictures of my dog eating, sleeping, playing with my other dog, on a walk, and at the park. The video portion will mostly be at the park where Maya will be doing tricks, and some of the video will be of my two dogs playing together. I will narrate the parts when my dog is being active and running around and playing in the yard/park.



Friday, April 22, 2016

Final Exam and iMovie Preview

Website #1

1. The video walked you through the process of creating an iMovie. The woman narrating the video demonstrated how to open up iMovie and explained the different parts on the iMovie main screen.

     She went to each section on the screen, telling us what it means and what it is used for. The video was also made to give tips and tricks on how to use different options on iMovie. At the end, she explained how to edit, save, and export the final product.

2. I already knew that you could add different clips in any order you want to create the movie.

3. I didn't know that you could add different effects to the video you already shot.

4. I am concerned that I won't be able to create a movie without having trouble with transporting clips and pictures into iMovie.

5. I am confident that I will be able to pursue my idea and take creative pictures.

6. If you asked me today, I think that I would either document a day in the life of my dog or a sporting event.

Website #2

1. The website gave tips on how to make your iMovie more interesting. It showed you ways to use different options on the app to create a more professional looking project.

     Also, the website gave you examples on things to use such as filters and special effects. It gave you ideas on how to add a theme to your movie to make it more appealing to you audience.

2. I already knew that there were professional movie filters that you can use.

3. I didn't know that iMovie had an option for you to speed up or slow down a clip.

4. I an concerned that my movie won't be as creative and interesting as I want it to be.

5. I am confident that I can shoot clips that can be slowed down or sped up to create a more intriguing movie.

6. I would most likely do a day in the life of one of my dogs, or a sporting event.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Opinions Piece

Syrian Refugee Crisis

      Today in Syria, a horrific civil war is taking place. Many of the citizens are trying to flee their homes to seek a safer life in Europe or in the United States. I can't imagine what they are going through, but I know they should be able to find a place of refuge and not be denied the opportunity of a better future.

     Since 2011, the year the war started, over 250,000 Syrians have been killed and millions have fled, according to CNN. The process of escaping war isn't easy for anyone, refugees still face dangers in their journey to a different country, especially countries who refuse to let them enter.

     According to The Boston Globe, migrants and refugees seeking safety have to cross deadly seas, avoid tear gas and beatings, and must endure long and challenging hikes to arrive at their destination, which might not even accept them. Nothing about what these people are doing should be looked over or ignored, they are simply trying to protect themselves and their family.

     Some citizens of the U.S. don't agree with letting Syrians live in our country because they think that the refugees might be dangerous terrorists or members of ISIS. Because of all the events that occurred around the world related to ISIS attacks, people assume that some of the Syrian refugees are ISIS members. This assumption shouldn't be made about people who are just trying to survive their war-consumed country.

     Some people who are afraid of terrorist attacks don't want migrants living near them because they assume that they are dangerous. They think that by closing the borders, everything will be okay and everyone will be safe. This however is not the case. Yes, it's a possibility that U.S. citizens might be "safer" by closing our borders, but the refugees won't have anywhere to go. Why should we as Americans be able to seek safety and not refugees of war?

     Taking in Syrian refugees isn't dangerous like many Americans believe. The refugees don't just sail to the U.S., get a job, and start their life. According to Time Magazine, they go through extensive background checks and are the most heavily screened and vetted people entering the U.S. The screening process alone takes, in many cases, up to three years and is extremely thorough. And even if they make it to the U.S., they don't have anything but the shirt on their backs and the family they came with.

    It has been argued that it's not fair that the U.S. government assists the refugees by giving them $1,000 for the first three months in the U.S. However, the refugees must pay for an apartment, their own food, and their own clothes at the same price as a U.S. citizen. That is not enough money to live on if you have, for example, two or three kids and no income. According to U.S.News, Syrian refugees must find jobs in order to be able to live in the U.S. after the three months are over. 

     Even though many Syrians are well-educated and experienced, they can't just pick up where they left off before the war started. Let's say that a Syrian doctor comes to the U.S., they can't just apply for a job and continue their practice, they must start from square one and get their credentials. This is why most refugees end up working for low-pay jobs that require little skill.

     Not accepting Syrian refugees is un-American, according to President Barack Obama. How could a country made up entirely of different cultures and religions deny Syrians the right to come here because they are of a different culture and religion? Just because they come from the same part of the world as ISIS doesn't mean that they are part of that organization. How dare we assume that they are terrorists when they are putting their life on the line for a safer future?

     Put yourself in their shoes. What if the U.S. was bombed and taken over by ISIS? What if your entire family was killed and you decided to flee your home with no money, no food, and no clothes? What if you finally made it to Germany and they denied you the opportunity to live there just because you might be a dangerous terrorist? Imagine what you would do in that situation, and imagine going through what Syrian refugees are going through right now. If you were put in that situation, how would it feel to be labeled as a potential ISIS member and lose the chance to live a better life? Just put yourself in their position and think about how you would want to be treated.

     I believe that we should all help each other and not assume anything that is not true. We as a country can't be so selfish and only think of our safety and not those fleeing war. There are so many steps that the Syrian refugees must take before they even set foot in the U.S. and if they do, they face many more struggles trying to make enough money to live a comfortable life. We as people should all have a chance to live the life we desire to have and not treat each other as if we aren't equal.  

SNO online papers

The R-Word

1. Jack Manderson and Charlie Turner
2. Their story is about how the word "retard" should never be used.
3. "The word’s use needs to be put to an end."
4. No
5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion.
6. Yes
7. The author wrote in 3rd person.

Kindness Matters

1. Caitlin Taylor
2. Their story is about how showing someone you care about them can save their lives.
3. "Listen carefully and always check on them from time to time. Your concern could save a life."
4. No
5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion.
6. No
7. The author wrote in 3rd person.

The Refugee Flood

1. Chelsea Conway
2. Their story is about the problems the U.S. might face if more refugees are allowed in this country.
3. "Closing the borders to refugees would allow America a chance to try and get a handle on the problems we have rather than invite new problems in."
4. Yes
5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion.
6. No
7. They wrote in 3rd person.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Personal essays

1. Allow the reader to relate to the story or to your personal experiences and write about something that you care about.

2. Use specific details so that the reader is drawn in and can have a better insight to the story you are telling.

- Make sure your piece has a rhythm and don't start every sentence with "I"
- Don't contain more facts than opinions
- Make sure the essay is personal, but avoid rants so that the reader doesn't feel disconnected to the story.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users

1. Editorial

2. The story is about the fact that Apple continues to deny the request of allowing the FBI to access a criminal's phone. They don't want to take a risk and potentially allow private, secure information be public.

3. "Here the risk isn't worth the potential consequences, which would be much worse for the country and all iPhone users."

4. Yes

5. No, because the author refers to his opinion to support Apple's decision throughout the entire article.

6. There aren't any quotes used in the article.

7. The author wrote in mostly in 3rd person but gave a few opinions in 2nd person when they used "we."

Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school

1. Granger Coats

2. Their story is about the flaws in school security and policy.

3. " An institution intended to enrich and better the lives of students should never detract from that role when punishing students especially with the assisted use of police as school disciplinarians."

4. No

5. They weren't wishy-washy with their opinion because they fully explained why they thought that and never changed their beliefs.

6. Yes

7. The author wrote in 3rd person in the beginning but in 1st person at the end when they stated their opinion.

Social media, back at it again 

1. Alicia Molina

2. Their story is about the famous series of snapchats called, "Damn Daniel."

3. "I think that it is great that people are using their fame for good and they are to keeping it all to themselves."

4. Yes

5. They were a little wishy-washy because at the beginning of the story, she talked about how much she didn't like this trend but then mentioned how she admired the people who created it.

6. Yes

7. The author write in 1st person.

Beyonce causes controversy

1. Fuaad Ajaz

2. Their story is about Beyonce's powerful music video and how unfair America is on the subject of race.

3. "She wants justice, and she wants everyone to have the same rights. Hopefully it all happens before she gets into formation again."

4. Yes

5. They weren't wishy-washy because they addressed their opinion on supporting Beyonce multiple times throughout the story.

6. Yes

7. The author wrote in 3rd person.

Is the AP world history test worth it?

1. Mia Barbosa

2. Their story is about the benefits of taking the AP world history test.

3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."

4. No

5. They weren't wishy-washy about their opinion because they mentioned that it was a great idea many times in the story.

6. No

7. They wrote in 1st person.

1. A hard news story doesn't discuss different opinions.
2. An opinions piece would have less quotes and more descriptions of people's feelings.
3. An opinions piece is more persuasive and a hard news story is based on facts.
 I think that there are few photos on this page because the writers do a great job of explaining things that happen and the stories aren't based on one time events, but on an ongoing topic.
1. Presidential candidates 
2. School policies
3. Syrian Refugees

Peer review SoM

Paragraphs - 50 pts.
5 quotes - 25 pts.
Inverted pyramid - 22 pts.
Extra credit - 5 pts.
TOTAL - 102 pts.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Earthquake Story

At 8:12 a.m. on Monday morning, an earthquake occurred in the San Francisco Bay area killing two people and injuring six others after a building partially collapsed.

The earthquake that happened that morning was very powerful and destructive, damaging an auto supply shop and causing two people to lose their lives.

"People as far as south Los Angeles and as far as north Redding felt the quake," scientist Penny Gertz stated.

Six people were injured, but only half of them needed medical attention.

"Three of the six people injured were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital," according to public information officer Jennifer Vu. 

Mike Beamer, a resident of the apartments across from the shop, witnessed the destruction of the building.

"I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That’s when the screaming started across the street," Beamer recalled.

There were many first responders who came quickly to aid during this devastating event.

"Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four minutes of the quake," Vu said.

This earthquake was massive and very forceful, reaching a high magnitude on the Richter scale.

"The epicenter of the earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale, was under the Hayward Hills," said Gertz.

 McHenry’s Auto Supply almost collapsed completely, but luckily Hayward firefighters used ropes to stabilize the auto supply shop before is was all destroyed.

"The quake was a strong one," Gertz added.

The families of the victims are being told what happened.

"Names of the dead are being withheld pending notifications of families," Vu notified.

No other serious injuries have been reported in Hayward.

Huntington Story

On Wednesday, 53 year old Janice Jones was accidentally shot in her leg in Barstow, California after her dog knocked her gun off a seat, setting it off.

Officers are considering charging Jones for animal abuse after they found that her dog was malnourished and had cigarette burn on its forehead.

"It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops," animal control officer Janet Ngo said. 

In addition to charges for animal abuse, officers are also considering whether they should charge Jones for the gun accident.

"Jones doesn't have a permit for the gun," California Highway Patrol press liaison, Tammy Rye, stated.

Jones was eating in her motor home when the weapon was discharged, striking her in the leg.

"It could have been worse," Rye said. "The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank."

After the accident, Jones was taken to the hospital and treated.

"Jones was transported to Huntington Beach Hospital via ambulance and later was transported to Irvine Medical Center," Rye confirmed.

Ngo indicated that her office would explore filing animal abuse charges against Jones.

Friday, April 8, 2016

News Values

- Timeliness -

     This article is driven by timeliness because it is about the current race for presidency. Also, because this article was reported on April 6, 2016, which is the date of today.

Headline: "Sanders, Cruz Gain On Front-Runners"

 "MILWAUKEE — Sen. Bernie Sanders showed once again he remains a powerful force in the Democratic presidential race with a decisive win in Wisconsin on Tuesday, setting the stage for a lively political brawl in the coming days, during which he hopes to reshape the race with a defiant surge in New York."

- Proximity -

     This article is driven by proximity because the story is about a homicide that happened near UT. By living in Austin, this story intrigues us because of the closeness that we are to this tragic event.

Headline: "Death on UT campus probed as homicide"

 "University of Texas President Gregory L. Fenves called Tuesday “a tragic day” after campus police found the body of a young woman at Waller Creek. Authorities said they are investigating the death as a homicide."

- Prominence -

     This article is driven by prominence because it tells about one of Donald Trump's campaigns. Trump continues to be a very popular candidate as he runs for president this year.

Headline: "Trump rallies crowd of 15,000 on Long Island"

- Impact -

     This article is driven by impact because it describes how cholesterol-lowering statins can prevent heart attacks and strokes. By reading this, the public can get advice and information on how to better their health.

Headline: "Study: Statins can prevent strokes, heart attacks in low-risk patients"

"CHICAGO — The first major research of its kind shows that cholesterol-lowering statins can prevent heart attacks and strokes in a globally diverse group of older people who don’t have heart disease."

- Conflict -

     This article is driven by conflict because it tells about the problems between the Afghan migrants and the Syrian migrants. They were involved in a six hour brawl after the Afghans threatened the Syrians by beating down their door at a detention camp.

Headline: "Fates Diverging, Afghan and Syrian Migrants Clash in Greece"

- Human Interest -

     This article is driven by human interest because it is about Prince William, and Duchess Kate. Because of their popularity around the world, the public is very interested in their day to day life.

Headline: "Will & Kate set to depart for India, leaving carping critics behind"

- Novelty -

     This article is driven by novelty because it is about a famous child actor bringing a puppy to the red carpet. Most celebrities don't bring their pets to big events like this, so everyone was surprised and interested.

Headline: "Jacob Tremblay brought a puppy on a red carpet"

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Student of the month story

Who - Carolynne Andres
What - She won the student of the month award
When - During the first week of April
Where - At Bowie High School
Why - Because she has great work ethic and friendly qualities
How - By carefully made decision of the staff and the teachers

During the first week of April, Sophomore Carolynne Andres, after a carefully made decision, won the Student of the Month award at Bowie High School.

The student of the month award is a highly respected award that Andres won through her impeccable dedication, amazing work ethic, and friendly qualities.

"I am not sure if I deserve this award, but I am happy and honored to have been chosen to win it," Andres told the interviewer.

This award is symbolized by students who exceed expectations and strive to do the best they can in every single situation.

"Andres always makes good grades and is very engaged and focused in class," 10th grade english teacher Whitney Shumate explained. "She has never failed to turn in all her assignments on time or demonstrate perseverance and hard work."

The principal, staff, and teachers elected Andres to win the Student of the Month award.

"We all feel like Ms. Andres has shown dedication and interest in everything she does and is worthy of this award," principal Stephen Kane said.

Not everyone can win the Student of the Month award, it requires specific personality traits and devotion.

"She spends most of her afternoons studying all the material she learned in class and works for non profit organizations in our community," Andres's mother, Karen Andres, said.

Andres loves being involved in different things at Bowie and keeps herself occupied with after school extracurricular activities.

"I am on the dance team and I also play steal drums for the Bowie band," Andres said.

Even though Andres has a very busy schedule, she manages to still have time for her hobbies.

"Carolynne and I love to walk our dogs and discuss books that we read on the weekends because it is the only time she takes a break from her school work," Andres's friend Bella said.

According to her school, Andres has earned this award, but because of her humble character, she disagrees.

"There is most likely someone who deserved it more than me," Andres responded.

Although Andres works very hard in school and dedicates her time towards helping others, she did not expect to win this very honorable award.

"I was shocked because I feel like I'm not worthy," Andres said.

Being in high school, Andres is looking for ways to help her get a higher education once she graduates.

"This award could help with my transcript for college," Andres responded to a question about her future.

Andres values this award and is now more determined to succeed in her education.

" I have always dreamed of winning this well-respected award and I can't believe that my dream
has become a reality," Andres answers. "I don't know if I will win again, but I will continue to push myself to do better in school."

Nut Graf

Nut Graf:
     A nut graf is a paragraph that adds value to a feature story. It is important because it helps the reader and the writer draw conclusions from the events that happened in the story. The slim paragraph is a non opinionated statement and can be directly followed by a quote that proves the statement.
     This paragraph is so vital to the news story because it provides understanding and helps the reader know why the story was written in the first place. By having a direct quote from someone, the reader can make connections to the nut graf written by the author. Overall, including a nut graf into a news story can make the purpose of the story easy to recognize, and show that the author understands the meaning of the story as well.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Inverted Pyramid

My First Interview

Interviewer: Isabella Poveda
Interviewee: Carolynne Andres

1. Did winning this award surprise you?

"Yes it did."

2. Why do you think that you won?

"Because of my work ethic and my friendly qualities."

3. How did your peers react to this news?

"They were really happy for me."

4. How did your family react to this news?

"They were also very happy for me."

5. Did your peers treat you differently because you won this award?

"Not really, they were just encouraging."

6. In what ways will winning this award affect you?

"This award could help with my transcript for college."

7. Do you think that you deserve this award?

I am not sure if I deserve this award, but I happy and honored to have been chosen to win it."

8. How are your grades?

"They are pretty good, but not amazing."

9. In what ways did you exceed student expectations?

"I volunteer in my community and I work really hard in school."

10. Do you think that you will be student of the month again?

"I don't know if I will win again, but I will continue to push myself to do better in school."

11. Do you do any extracurricular activities? what are they?

"I dance and play the drums for the band at my school."

12. Did this award make you determined to work harder in school?

"Yes, it did."

13. How would you feel if you hadn't won this award?

"I would have been a little upset but I would have gotten over it quickly."

14. Do your teachers treat you differently or expect more from you because you are student of the month?

"No, they don't."

15. Is your life any different by winning this award?

"My life isn't really different."

16. Did you think that someone else deserved it more than you?

"There is most likely someone who deserved it more than me."

17. How would you feel if you were student of the month again?

"I was shocked because I feel like I'm not worthy."

18. Has your opinion changed about this award since you won it?

"No because I have always dreamed of winning this well-respected  award and I can't believe that my dream has become a reality." 

19. Did you try to win this award?
"No, I did not."

20. How might your life be different if you hadn't won it?

"My life wouldn't have been different at all."

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Student of the Month Interview


1. Did winning this award surprise you?

2. Why do you think that you won?
3. How did your peers react to this news?
4. How did your family react to this news?
5. Did your peers treat you differently because you won this award?
6. In what ways will winning this award affect you?
7. Do you think that you deserve this award?
8. How are your grades?
9. In what ways did you exceed student expectations?
10. Do you think that you will be student of the month again?
11. Do you do any extracurricular activities? what are they?
12. Did this award make you determined to work harder in school?
13. How would you feel if you hadn't won this award?
14. Do your teachers treat you differently or expect more from you because you are student of the month?
15. Is your life any different by winning this award?
16. Did you think that someone else deserved it more than you?
17. How would you feel if you were student of the month again?
18. Has your opinion changed about this award since you won it?
19. Did you try to win this award?
20. How might your life be different if you hadn't won it?